I got this pretty, protecting fairy,
She likes a rose to me,
lovely and poisonous.
She is so beautiful,
even i,
fascinated by her beauty sometimes,
Her rosy fume,
covered me with fascinating dreams.
but her poison also do kill me..
dawning me with her words,
suffocate me with guilty,
i cant breath,
all i seek is love,
a little comfort,
and a warm hug.
but all her see is, a broken me,
and all her do, is FIXING.
im thankful for that,
but sometimes,
i do hurt~
so tight i closed my eyes,
so silent deaf i covered my ears,
so mute i become,
so numb..
all i need is not a fixing tools,
but just a little
comfort to feel safe n sound
to tells me, ITs OK~
* me n my broken English, excuse me!! :p
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